Working from Home while minding kids

Firstly try to be kind to yourself. It’s not an easy task to take on homeschooling, minding young children, cleaning and cooking, on top of working from home. It is not just a case of adding extra duties - it also changes the dynamic of your relationships, so give yourself a break. 

Being prepared is the best way to get on top of juggling this multiple role challenge.  Think about managing your space, creating a routine and being ready with busy activities for meetings.

Keep expectations realistic

Talk with your line manager about what you need to make this work. It may be that you can set up more flexible working times, meeting times or perhaps even reduce your work-load.  If your goals are realistic, you can do this well.

Set up a safe space

Younger children that you are supervising will need to be in the same room as you, so set up your office in a designated corner of the room. It helps if you keep this corner exclusively as a workstation, as this will help to focus your attention. It may also help if your body is facing towards your children; that you only need to raise your head to determine that they are ok.

Create a Routine

Have your kids stick to a routine in which they have set times to get up, nap, have quiet time, eat, do homework, exercise and go to bed. They feel secure by the structure and it also safeguards your time to take meetings or work. 

 How to take a meeting with younger children: 

  • Where possible line up activities that need your full concentration, including important meetings for during nap time, quiet time, or bed time.

  • If they are awake, you’re realistically looking at busy time for younger children. Choose between your child’s affinity activity (eg if they can play with their cars, lego, dolls for long periods alone) or screen time (give them a list of ok activities that they can choose from on their device or set something to watch on tv.

  • Create a physical barrier (chair or stool works well) between you and your children. This stops them from continuously entering your space, especially during a video call. 

  • Try using the mute button on calls, while you’re not speaking. This cuts down on the noise being received from the other end.

  • Choose a headset with an attached microphone, that has noise cancelling features.

Home schooling

Set up their workstation near yours and offer them earphones if they are taking a digital class. Ideally their desk would be facing the wall so that you can see over their shoulder, what they are doing. 

Encourage them to try everything first before asking a question. For children that are constantly interrupting you with homework questions, it’s worth having a set time to work with them, so that they can get the help that they need.

If it all goes terribly wrong, don’t panic. This is an exceptional time and everybody homeschooling is in the same boat. Try not to damage your relationship with your child during this temporary phase.  All students are in the same predicament and teachers will manage that when they go back to school. The most important thing is that you and your kids are safe and remain mentally and physically healthy

If you want to talk with me about what’s going on for you personally, please get in contact. 

Gráinne Dunleavy, MSc Positive Psychology.