
Gráinne Dunleavy MSc Applied Positive Psychology, is an experienced counsellor / therapist, teacher, positive psychology coach and speaker from Ireland, qualified to work with children, adolescents and adults. She has more than 20 years experience working internationally as a counsellor at schools in Ireland and France, helping individuals and families. She also offers a range of executive coaching solutions to businesses.

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Gráinne is the president of SPRINT France; a non-profit association, which is a network of English speaking professionals offering specialised therapy and advice in education and healthcare, for families and schools.

She had an article published in The British Journal of Educational and Child Psychology on Fostering a Sense of Belonging at an International School in France. A sense of belonging is a basic human need, which supports engagement in education as well as increasing wellbeing. Yet, very few studies have attempted to enhance levels of students belonging in school, which is what this study aimed to do.

While working in Ireland as a school counsellor, Gráinne acted as an educational consultant and panellist for TV3’s four part series “Exam Countdown”, as well as appearing several times on their morning show Ireland AM.

She offers a range of tailor-made workshops to schools and businesses on a range of topics from how to increase well-being, mindfulness meditation, developing character strengths, building resilience and grit, positive choices in the digital world, boosting communication skills, dealing with difficult people, developing study skills or their career path.

She also offers individual counselling to adults and children as well as positive psychology coaching to adults seeking greater life satisfaction.

“While you can’t control your experiences, you can control your explanations.”
— Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism, 1990