
The pupils that participated in the “..intervention that Dunleavy designed…showed an increased sense of belonging, along with improved life-satisfaction and well-being” reported Sheila Wayman in The Irish Times, 21-1-20


Workshops for Students

Tailor a workshop for your school group, from a range of educational, community or personal growth topics.

  • Workshop can be Face to Face or digital.

  • Range from 1 hr - 1 day in length.

  • Mix of instructional and interactive tools.

Some sample topics:

  • Use your character strengths to increase motivation and resilience.

  • Build Tolerance and Community to stamp out Bullying.

  • Re-wire your brain for success.

  • Study Skills.

  • Safety Concerns.

  • Develop your Motivation and Grit.

  • Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset.

  • Build Organisational Skills.

  • Improve your Communication Skills.

  • Leadership Skills and How to Advocate for your beliefs.

  • How to overcome Stress and Anxiety.
