Gráinne has more than 20 years of experience helping school communities; working both with state and international schools. She has experience working in many roles from Teacher, to School Counsellor, Middle School Team Leader, Learning Support Team Leader as well as Irish State Examinations Supervisor and Examiner.

Professional Development for Teachers

Tailor a workshop to your schools needs from the sample list below, or create a package.

  • Workshops can be Face to Face or Digital Online.

  • Range from 1 hr - 1 day in length.

Sample Topic List:

  • Introduce an established positive psychology-based well-being curriculum (Weaving Well-Being) to your school. Click on this link to find out more.

  • Create a sense of belonging within your staff, student body, or community as a whole.

  • Develop a character strength programme.

  • How to foster resilience and grit.

  • Mindfulness Meditation.

  • Bullying prevention.

  • Steps to Well-being.

  • Safeguarding.

  • Dealing with Difficult People.

  • Study Skills